.. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 :hidden: intro key_features guide_analysis guide_programming examples developer/index .. toctree:: :hidden: :maxdepth: 3 :caption: Reference api_user_index api_extra/index Siuba ===== .. image:: siuba.svg :width: 400px Siuba is a library for quick, scrappy data analysis in Python. It is a port of `dplyr `_, `tidyr `_, and other R Tidyverse libraries. Learning --------- .. table:: :class: table-align-left =========================================== ======================================================= Documentation =========================================== ======================================================= :ref:`Quickstart` |quickstart| :ref:`Key features` |key_features| :ref:`Data analysis guide` |data_guide| :ref:`Programming guide` |prog_guide| =========================================== ======================================================= .. |quickstart| replace:: Install siuba and run a basic data analysis. .. |key_features| replace:: Learn about key features and benchmarks. .. |data_guide| replace:: In-depth guide on wrangling and visualizing data with siuba. .. |prog_guide| replace:: In-depth guide on programming and extending siuba. Examples -------- .. raw:: html